AL JARF MARBLE TR. LLC is a company incorporated in Sharjah, in the year 2012. The company have office, Ware house and factory in Industrial area 4 Sharjah. The warehouse is situated in main industrial area and can be accessed Via E 11 and E311 Highways.
AL JARF MARBLE TR. LLC is presently trading all types of natural stones.The Company associated with M/s HILLSTONE GRANITES PVT LTD, CHENNAI, South India, for Indian Granite, SAUDI MARBLE & GRANITE for Saudi Granite for raw material and processing . Locally company have tied up with several companies for Syrian, Jordan, Turkish, Italian and Iranian natural stones.
The main intention of AL JARF MARBLE TR. LLC is to meet the demand of natural stone business in the Middle East. With knowledge and sincere approach, the company established as for direct supply of natural stones in the Market.
AL JARF MARBLE TR. LLC is operating in the market with most competitive rates and maximum possible quality. Due to nature of operation mainly with reduced overheads, contact with correct sources of material, we can always assure competitive rates and quality.